Pandemic hits Austrian logistics companies hard
The Austrian Zentralverband Spedition & Logistik (central association for forwarding & logistics) calls on the Austrian government to take measures to maintain European supply chains. One of the main demands is the installation of a system of information between the member states and the European Commission, the (temporary) suspension of traffic bans and harmonised procedures for customs checks.
Austria's logistics industry therefore demands the immediate lifting of frontier closures for freight traffic and more flexibility with regard to commercial law and labour law regulations as well as financial aid for freight forwarders. Another problem is a major driver shortage for long-distance transports and courier, express and parcel services providers. Many foreign truck drivers have returned to their home countries and many Austrian drivers are in quarantine.
Olivier Wagner, managing director of the association, says: "There is such a shortage of drivers that is very difficult to keep supply chains running." He added that the government must find a solution with Hungary in particular. Because the frontier is closed, 5,000 trucks are held up on the Austrian side, because they are let into Hungary only for short designated periods. (mw)