P3 Logistic Parks develops new park for Amazon
From March 2020, a new distribution centre for Amazon will be built in Lengede near Braunschweig (Germany). P3 Logistic Parks has signed a long-term lease with the online retailer. Packages arriving from Amazon's logistics and sorting centres will be picked up by delivery partners in Lengede and delivered to customers. Construction work will start in March, and the distribution centre is expected to be operational in autumn 2020.
Sönke Kewitz, managing director P3 Germany: "We have designed our new property to meet Amazon's requirements for complex e-commerce processes and last mile solutions. Of course, the regional economy also benefits from the partnership, because more than 80 jobs are to be created and the delivery partners also employ more than 250 drivers." The property with a total area of 8,250 sqm comprises a hall with a headroom of 10 m and 1,150 sqm of office space. (mw)