On the digital path between Italy and Turkey
The digital waybill has reached the pilot test status thanks to blockchain applications. This collaboration between public and private organisations is intended to demonstrate that the implemented model can also work for particularly complex processes involving a change of transport mode and cross-border traffic between EU and non-EU countries.
In addition, the documentation of the platform is authenticated on a blockchain system for greater security and transparency, the immutability of digital documents, a specific date and precise geolocation.
The main actor of this initiative is the Benetton Group, also involved are the Port of Trieste and the customs authority, as well as the company Accudire, which provides the digital platform. Gruber Logistics from South Tyrol is one of the companies participating in tests for a digital waybill on the Turkey-Italy-Turkey route.
The next step is to test the platform in Germany and Austria as well. Germany is scheduled to launch the electronic waybill (eCMR) in April.
Italy is now testing corresponding platforms, even though it has not yet signed the international additional protocol to the convention of 19 May 1956 on the contract for the international carriage of goods by road (CMR) to replace paper documents with electronic document management. (sh) www.benettongroup.com,