Next step for LNG in Rostock
The Hamburg (Germany)-based company Nauticor, which was sold to the Finish group Gasum in November 2019, has received the first permit for ship-to-ship deliveries of liquid natural gas (LNG) in the port of Rostock. The LNG bunker vessel “Kairos” is therefore the first ship in the Baltic seaport to be able to supply other vessels with the eco-friendly fuel by means of a ship-to-ship transfer.
The long term permit was issued by the responsible port authorities and is valid for several years. Since 2017, Nauticor has been supplying shipping companies with LNG in the port of Rostock, initially with the help of trucks in the overseas port.
Jens Scharner, managing director of Rostock Port, is delighted with the news and this new development: “We are convinced that, with an experienced LNG supplier like Nauticor, LNG bunkering with a bunker vessel will become a standard operation in the port of Rostock in the future.” (mw)