New structure for BVL's board
The German logistics association (Bundesvereinigung Logistik, BVL) has announced changes at the helm. The chairman of the board Robert Blackburn will not stand for re-election at the coming AGM. As his reasons he gives increased professional duties and the fact that he has to spend more time at his employer's headquarters in USA.
After detailed consultation, BVL's board opted for a restructuring. For a transition period, an expanded executive committee will secure the association's continuity and innovatory force and drive the change process forward.
The members of the expanded executive committee are Frank Dreeke, (BLG Logistics Group), Thomas Wimmer (BVL) and Stefan Wolff (4flow). Wimmer, who was elected chairman of the board, will put his mandates as managing director on hold for the time being. Dreeke was elected deputy chairman. (mw)