New responsibilities at K Line
At a board meeting recently, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line) modified the responsibilities of the executive officer. The present responsibilities of executive officer Satoshi Kanamori are to head LNG and energy business planning; he is also general manager of the energy business planning group. His new responsibilities will be the management of LNG, energy business planning, fuel strategy & procurement, and he will remain general manager of the energy business planning group.
The senior managing executive officers and their responsibilities: Harusato Nihei, CFO; Atsuo Asano, responsible for the dry bulk carriers unit, marine sector, advanced technology, ship technical and the environmental affairs unit; Kenji Sakamoto, president of K Line America; Kazuhiko Harigai, responsible for the energy transportation business unit; Yukio Toriyama, responsible for general affairs, human resources, legal, corporate legal risk & compliance, corporate planning, research, the IR&PR unit and providing assistance to internal audit, CCO (chief compliance officer); Yasunari Sonobe, responsible for the product logistics business unit (car carriers, containerships, port business, logistics, affiliated business promotion, corporate marketing strategy). (mw)