New records thanks to international business
Deutsche Post DHL Group once again grew profitably in the past financial year. With revenue of EUR 94.4 billion, the group exceeded its record from previous year by 15.5%. The leap was entirely due to DHL divisions’ international business, although global trade and e-commerce normalised in 2022 as expected with slowing momentum in Q4/2023.
Consequently, shipment volumes were slightly below the all-time high of 2021. Thanks to flexible structures, the group was nevertheless able to continue utilising its global networks efficiently throughout the year.
The company also benefited from the increasing demand for resilient supply chains in contract logistics and, particularly in the first half of the year, from high freight rates in the forwarding business. Overall, Deutsche Post DHL Group achieved a new record with operating profit (ebit) of EUR 8.4 billion (2021: EUR 8.0 billion).
Last year, Deutsche Post DHL Group invested a record sum of EUR 4.1 billion (2021: EUR 3.9 billion) in its operating business as well as in digitalisation and sustainability. The group made progress in expanding its electric vehicles fleet, which grew by 7,000 to more than 29,000 e-vehicles worldwide. (ben)