
Artikel Nummer: 29891
New impulse for southern Silk Road
As planned, the ÖBB Rail Cargo Group (ÖBB RCG) continues to pursue its strategy to expand freight transport links along the rail corridor between Europe and Asia. ÖBB RCG, the port of Baku und Cabooter have signed a declaration of intent to set up an overland trans-Caspian connection along the Silk Road.
Because of current congestion at the Polish-Belorussian border crossing Malasewicze-Brest, ÖBB RCG, in cooperation with the port of Baku and Cabooter‘s logistics hub in Venlo (the Netherlands), is pushing ahead with the development of the southern part of the overland Silk Road.
The project already started in October with the despatch of a first test train from China via Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkey to Prague (Czechia). (ben)