New heads for TIA
The Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) announced the installation of new association leaders at its 2019 Capital Ideas Conference & Exhibition in Florida (USA).
Cori Eckley, CTB, vice-president, North American Transport Concepts of Arlington TX, and Shawn Roch, CTB, VP sales and operations, G. Roch Consultant, were elected as at-large members of the TIA board.
The board also elected Brian Evans, CTB, president & CEO, L & L Freight Services, as board chairman; Mike Riccio, CTB, chief marketing officer, Leonard’s Express, as vice-chairman of the board; Mark Christos, VP highway services, Matson Logistics, as treasurer; Rob Kemp, president, DRT Logistics, as secretary; and Jason Beardall, president, England Logistics, became immediate past chairman. These officers form the TIA executive committee. (mw)