New head of German and Austrian markets
Henning Dieter will assume his role as the head of Swissport Cargo Services Germany & Austria on 1 September 2020. He succeeds Dirk Schmitt, who left the company in December 2019 after having headed Swissport Cargo’s operations in Germany and Austria since February 2015.
Since his departure, Andrea Führing, CFO of Swissport Cargo Germany, has been successfully leading the organisation on an interim basis. Dieter will oversee the strategic and operational management of Swissport’s 13 cargo warehouses in the two countries, the largest of which are in Frankfurt, Munich and Stuttgart.
Initially, his focus will be on steering the organisation through its efforts to reboot business and overcome the corona crisis. The completion of the new Swissport warehouse at Frankfurt airport, scheduled to go on stream in November 2020, will be another major event. Dieter will report to Willy Ruf, senior vice president Central & Eastern Europe. (mw)