New hands to lead Interoll's global sales & service
Interroll has announced that Maurizio Catino will take over the role of executive vice president global sales & service member of the group management as from 1 July 2020. He will replace Christoph Reinkemeier, who has decided to leave the company in order to pursue new opportunities.
Reinkemeier joined the Interoll Group as executive vice president global sales & services and member of the group management in 2011.
"We are looking forward to working with Maurizio Catino, who has proven his excellent leadership qualities in our company, especially with regard to Interoll's growth trajectory in the market," says Paul Zumbühl, CEO of the global Interroll Group. "In his previous roles at Interoll he built up very solid relationships with our customers and enjoys the trust of our entire group management." (mw)