New cranes increase efficiency and safety
Kuenz recently installed two intermodal cranes for Metrans, one in Prague, Czechia and one in Budapest, Hungary. The cranes can handle containers, swap bodies and trailers with a lifting capacity of 37 t.
The intermodal operator Metrans connects the European seaports of Rotterdam, Hamburg and Bremerhaven with the hinterland. Since 2006, 15 Kuenz intermodal cranes have been ensuring safe and efficient handling in four of 15 Metrans terminals.
At the company's largest terminal in Prague, Kuenz has installed six cranes over the years. Ceska Trebova in Czechia and Budapest in Hungary now have three cranes each. All of them are designed as double-girder bridges with superstructure and cantilever on both sides. The remaining three cranes in Dunajska Streda in Slovakia are designed as conventional double-girder bridges. (ben)