New chairman for Pakistan's forwarders
International Cargo Management (ICM) has announced that its managing director, Izhar-Ul-Haq Qamar, has been elected unanimously as chairman of Piffa (Pakistan International Freight Forwarder Association) for 2019-20. The role involves leading the industry in the further growth strategy for Pakistan’s freight forwarding and shipping sectors.
Izhar-Ul-Haq Qamar said: "To achieve our goals and recognition, members need to demonstrate discipline and professionalism by adopting the best business practices and ensuring the correctness of bills of lading for cargo liability and by eliminating errors and omissions. This will safeguard members' interests and the interests of their clients. It goes without saying that compliance with the Piffa code of conduct will show our resolve and commitment to be responsible freight forwarders."
He added that the executive committee and standing committees will always remain open to suggestions and feedback. (mw)