New appointments to the Baltic Index Council
The Baltic Exchange has announced two new appointments to the Baltic Index Council (BIC), the governing body which provides effective scrutiny of the Baltic on all aspects of its benchmark determination process in accordance with the Iosco principles of financial benchmarks.
Baltic Exchange members Ted Atkinson (Arrow Chartering UK Ltd) and Viral Shah (RWE Supply & Trading GmbH) have been elected and joined the council in August. The move follows a call for nominations for market representatives to serve on the BIC. Atkinson and Shah will join re-appointed council members Stefan Albertijn (Oficon), Nico Borkmann (Braemar ACM Shipbroking) and John Banaskiewicz (Freight Investor Services).
Baltic Exchange chief executive Mark Jackson, said: "Atkinson has previously acted as dry panellist representative on the BIC and Viral Shah sits on the Baltic European Advisory Council, they are both very experienced and I look forward to their support and guidance alongside Albertijn, Borkmann and Banaskiewicz in ensuring that Baltic Exchange indices are of the highest quality." (mw)