More fashion labels move into e-commerce hub
The location Brieselang near Berlin (Germany) has been given a long-term perspective: Fiege had taken over the logistics hub from Zalando in April 2019 and announced plans to develop the site into a multi-user centre.
Now, fashion label Gerry Weber is moving its e-commerce business into Brieselang. The Spanish fashion group Mango is expected to follow in mid-2020. Zalando will also remain a customer of Fiege’s location in Brieselang. For Zalando this site, which provides 75,000 sqm of logistics space, had become too small, since, in the end, it could store only a small part of the company’s product range.
The Brieselang hub currently employs a staff of about 1000; for the majority of the employees, job security is already now guaranteed for up to and after the middle of 2020. (mw)