More capital for Prologis
Over the year 2020, the San Francisco-based real estate developer Prologis completed USD 25.0 billion of investment activity on an owned and managed basis. From the ProLogis – AMB merger in 2011 to year-end 2020, Prologis completed investment transactions totalling over USD 131.4 billion in 30 global markets.
"Despite the disruption and uncertainty of this past year, investment activity across our global platform continued unabated, reflecting the strong demand for high-quality logistics real estate," said Hamid R. Moghadam, chairman and CEO of Prologis.
Furthermore, Prologis has created a new senior role, naming long-time Prologis employee Dan Letter as global head of capital deployment effective 1 January 2021. Letter reports to Prologis chief investment officer Eugene F. Reilly. (sh)