More A330 freighters for Mexican carrier
CDB Aviation, a wholly owned Irish subsidiary of China Development Bank Financial Leasing, has reached an agreement with Mexico-based Mas Air Cargo Airline for the lease of two A330-300 passenger-to-freighter (P2F) aircraft, marking the lessor’s first-ever lease transaction with an airline operator for the aircraft type.
Mas Air CEO Luis Sierra: "Adding these two A330s to the two A330-200s we agreed to lease last month, we continue the path of growing our fleet with more efficient and longer-range aircraft."
The A330 P2Fs on long-term lease to its newest customer in the Americas represent the first two positions from CDB Aviation’s agreement with Germany-based EFW for the aircraft type’s conversion announced in November 2020. The aircraft are scheduled to deliver to Mas Air during the first half of 2022. (ah)