Mixed fortunes for two neighbouring airports
Despite a global economic slowdown, Liege Airport (Belgium) achieved a new record with over 900,000 t of goods transported in 2019 (902.480 t, +3.6% compared with 870.644 t in 2018).
CEO Luc Partoune: "This year, 2020, will be a year of major works and projects. We are also working on the implementation of Alibaba, the bypass road, the construction of a hydrogen station and on training personnel to meet the very high demand."
A few kilometres further east, volumes declined, however: Cologne/Bonn (photo) reported a total throughput of 815,000 t of commodities and goods in 2019, a drop of 5% compared to the previous year.
Johan Vanneste, chairman of the board at the Cologne/Bonn airport: "Our airport has had a difficult year. Cargo traffic was affected by the tense global economic climate." (ah)