Maritime coordinator receives port award
Norbert Brackmann, the German federal government’s coordinator for the maritime economy, has been honoured with the port award 2019 by Kiel’s port industry. Jens B. Knudsen, chairman of the advisory board of the port of Kiel (Germany), said: “On a federal level, Brackmann campaigns for competitive conditions for the utilisation of on-shore power. The shipping industry and the ports are thus given economic incentives to pursue effective climate protection.”
Brackmann is a member of the German federal parliament and was appointed the federal government’s coordinator for the maritime economy in April 2018. In this position he coordinates and combines the federal government’s measures to strengthen Germany’s competitive advantage in shipbuilding, maritime shipping, port industry and marine technology.
After the great coalition was formed in 2018 Brackmann was appointed as the federal government’s new coordinator for the maritime economy, thus becoming a member of chancellor Merkel’s government. (mw)