Maiden flight for Täby Saab 2000F Cargo
The new Saab 2000F conducted its maiden flight on Monday, 6 March 2023. The aircraft was rolled out at TAM’s (Täby Air Maintenance) workshops at 10.30 h and extensive pre-flight checks were made.
This first flight was a mere post maintenance flight, with a focus on systems tests, as the aircraft had been in the workshops since last autumn for the extensive rebuild as a freighter as well as regular maintenance and avionics upgrade.
The 45 minute flight went well, with all systems working as expected, with further flight testing commencing mid-March.
The new Saab 2000 cargo conversion, developed in close collaboration with launch customer Jetstream Aviation Capital of Miami, Florida, has been designed with a firm focus on the operators’ needs, having built-in features aimed at maximising operational effectiveness. (cj)