M&M launches Austrian affiliate
The Militzer & Münch group has now put its Austrian office in Vienna into operation. The focus will be on providing logistics services and rail transports for markets in central and eastern Europe. Nikolay Gueorguiev has been appointed as branch manager to head the new office in the DC Tower.
Gueorguiev's most recent positions before joining M&M were at CJ ICM Logistics Group and Far Freight/Gebrüder Weiss. He reports to Nikolaus Kohler, regional managing director Middle East / Central Asia, business development Schweiz, at Militzer & Münch Holding.
Kohler: "Initially, we will manage the new location as a foreign branch office of M&M Militzer & Münch, Schweiz. At a later date, we plan to set up our own country organisation in Vienna."
From its basis in the Austrian capital, the team will focus on Militzer & Münch's core markets in Central Asia, the Caucasus, Russia and the Maghreb. One of its priorities will be to expand the company's rail services to eastern Europe and Asia. (sh)