Logistics Network Thuringia elects Holger Sehr to the board
The members of the Logistics Network Thuringia (LNT) have elected Holger Sehr, the entrepreneur and co-founder of cocoon, to their board. He now joins the five-person board and replaces Daniel Behlert, who decided not to stand for re-election due to his move to Zalando’s headquarters in Berlin. Furthermore, the current board members Joachim Werner, Sven Lindig, Uwe Arnold and Robert Münnich were confirmed in their functions for the next three years.
Werner, currently acting chairman of the board of the Logistics Network Thuringia, cordially welcomed the new board member and added: “Sehr has a great deal of experience in the logistics industry and is a long-standing entrepreneur. It is not without reason that cocoon, the company he co-founded, has become not only a successful and efficient provider of specialised transport solutions and system packaging but also an outstanding example of success made in Thuringia. We are looking forward to a successful collaboration and to many new inputs for our network activities.” (mw)