Logistics initiative elects project advisory board
The aim of the initiative "Die Wirtschaftsmacher" is to improve the public image of the logistics industry. It has now elected its new project advisory board. The board counsels "Die Wirtschaftsmacher" and has ten honorary members.
The members are elected for a one-year mandate out of the network of companies that support the initiative. The board members are: Karl May, BMW, Matthias Braun, Volkswagen Konzernlogistik, Carsten Sewig, EDEKA, Sabrina Michael, BLG Logistics Group, Thomas Fischer, Still, Lars-Olof Grün, Kuehne+Nagel, Harald Seifert, Seifert Logistics, Johannes Söllner, Geis Group, Christina Thurner, Loxxess, Nicola Wittland, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, Christoph Stoller, Duale Hochschule BW.
In addition, the project advisory board appoints the six-person steering committee, a controlling body that supervises the initiative's budget deployment and is therefore responsible for its operative management. (mw)