Logisticians appeal to federal council
Three Swiss logistics industry experts have written an open letter to the country’s Federal Council to raise awareness of industry concerns in connection with the measures to combat Covid-19. In the letter, Wolfgang Stölzle, director of the Supply Chain Management Institute at the University of St Gallen, Robert Einstein, CEO of Cargo24 and Dominik Hasler, CEO of Hasler Transport demanded that truck drivers must find enough sanitary facilities and food at service areas and that they are equipped with protective equipment. Freight traffic at the border also needs to be processed faster and accorded preferential treatment vis-à-vis passenger traffic.
In connection with the planned political measures, the three logistics representatives also stipulated that the CO2 levy and extension of the heavy vehicle road charges be reconsidered. Switzerland’s transport industry is "the blood in the economic cycle" and must therefore be looked after carefully. (mw)