Leipzig/Halle airport marks yet another record
In 2019 cargo handling at Leipzig/Halle Airport, Germany's second and Europe’s fifth largest air cargo hub, increased for the fifteenth time in succession. A total of 1,238,000 t were handled, representing yoy growth of 1.4%. Freight volumes have increased more than tenfold since 2007 and are continuing to grow.
This growth is driven primarily by the presence of the DHL hub, although non-DHL cargo business at the airport is also on the up, with a total of more than 50 cargo airlines flying to more than 200 destinations worldwide every year.
To meet rising demand, the coming years will see investments totalling around EUR 500 million being made in new aprons, logistics and office buildings in the northern and southern parts of the airport, with 14,000,000 sqm more vacant development space. (ah)