Lean and green award for B+S Logistik
For its action plan to reduce CO2 emissions the logistics services provider B+S has received the lean and green award, which aims at reducing CO2 by 20% in five years.
B+S joined this programme two years ago, launching measures such as the construction of new logistics real estate that comply with the highest building standards, the upgrading of its vehicle fleet and the use of green electricity and effective transport management. The efficiency of these measures has now been certified.
Two years after beginning to implement the plan, B+S has achieved a CO2 reduction of more than 18%. Next year, it will break the 20% mark and meet the reduction target of 26%. "We will continue and extend the measures so that we can cut our emissions by almost 49% by 2023," says Stefan Brinkman, managing partner of B+S. (mw)