Large order for Dematic in Denmark
The intra-logistician Dematic has revealed details of a new contract with Reitan Distribution, a subsidiary of Rema 1000 Danmark. Reitan supplies more than 900 food retailers in Denmark. Its current logistics centre covers around 57,000 sqm, but is now inadequate, on account of the company’s rapid recent growth, which is why the company needs a modern new warehouse.
The new facility, with high-bay pallet storage options, will offer an additional 30,000 sqm, and be connected to the existing warehouse by a bridge. It has been specially conceived to cater to Dematic’s automation solutions.
It will operate 21/6/365 and process more than 400 dry-goods orders a day. The new system will be able to pick, pack and distribute approximately 130,000 cartons a day, with robot systems taking over a substantial part of the work there. (mw)