Kuehne Holding wants more say at Hapag-Lloyd
Kuehne Holding and its subsidiary Kuehne Maritime have held a stake of more than 30% in Hapag-Lloyd since the end of March 2020.
The holding now claims a second seat on Hapag-Lloy's supervisory board in order to reach parity with the two representatives of the Chilean shareholder and one representative of each of the Qatari and Saudi Arabian shareholders.
Kuehne Holding thus proposes its majority shareholder Klaus-Michael Kuehne for election to the liner shipping company's supervisory board. With his substantial long-term commitment, Kuehne has since 2008 supported Hapag Lloyd's strong position in Hamburg.
In addition to the candidates proposed for Hapag Lloyd's upcoming shareholders' AGM, Klaus-Michael Kuehne is available for election at the earliest possible date. (mw)