KLU studies burnout
Kühne Logistics University (KLU), a state-accredited private university based in Hamburg’s HafenCity, has investigated the relationship between career status and the risk of burnout. Published in the international Journal of Business and Psychology, the study was conducted by Jennifer Korman, Niels Van Quaquebeke and Christian Tröster.
The research shows: executives in the upper echelons are less at risk of burnout than those in middle and lower management.
Van Quaquebeke explains that the “feeling of having things under control protects against mental stress”. The researchers concentrated on two factors: the ‘feeling of power’, that is to say, the ability to influence people in one’s own environment, and ‘self-efficacy”, the feeling that one is able to master tasks in the work environment based on one’s own skills.
The study suggests that “mentoring and competent colleagues […] enable managers to believe in themselves and gain a sense of achievement.” (amh)