
  • From left: Frédéric Delorme (Fret SNCF), Paul Sillou (RDT13) and Lilian Leroux (Wabtec).


Artikel Nummer: 44012

Kick-off for French Monitor Project

Wabtec, Fret SNCF and regional operator RDT13 have launched the Monitor Project, the first innovation project of the French “Railfreight of the Future” coalition to accelerate the development of the country’s railfreight industry.


The project, funded by the French state, consists of equipping railcars with sensors to monitor and prevent the risks of derailment, untimely brake applications and to reduce train preparation time. Ultimately, it could help reduce maintenance costs and contribute to the EU’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.


Monitor focuses on four key technologies, brought together for the first time: radio communication between cars along the train, brake monitoring, bogie monitoring, and automated brake testing. (ben)




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