Jan de Rijk Logistics shifts focus
In its recently published results for 2020, Roosendaal (Netherlands)-based Jan de Rijk Logistics is in the black, with profits before tax of EUR 6 million for 2020 compared to EUR 5.5 million in 2019, while turnover moved sidewards to EUR 228.6 million (2019: EUR 230.4 million).
This resilience was due to the adequate measures taken from Q2/2020 onwards to cope with the consequences of the corona outbreak.
The Dutch emergency measure bridging employment (NOW) funds initially applied for and received were fully repaid during the financial year.
In international services, the company, established in 1971, witnessed a major shift in its network: more focus on specialised cargo airports, such as Liège and Ostend, and a major growth in volumes handled by express operators due to the significant growth in e-commerce flows.
The transport of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the beginning and vaccines later in the year also contributed to this major growth in volume. CEO Fred Westdijk confirmed that "the prospects for 2021 are positive." (sh)