ITJ now under new ownership
The MedTriX Group and the Logismedia Group, both of which are headquartered in Basel, have come to an asset deal agreement to transfer the ownership of the International Transport Journal (ITJ) and the associated media ITJ Daily, Swisstrans, Worldtrans and the Swiss Shipping Guide, including all of the rights and obligations involved therein, to the Logismedia Group, with effect from 1 November 2024.
(Basel) On 1 November 2024 the MedTriX Group ceded all rights and obligations to the titles International Transport Journal (ITJ), ITJ Daily, Swisstrans, Worldtrans and the Swiss Shipping Guide to the Logismedia Group.
Oliver Kramer, CEO of the MedTriX Group, said that “as a part of MedTriX’s focus on medical media and on the digital transformation process we decided to divest ourselves of the ITJ and its related publications. The new Logismedia Group will focus primarily on media in the fields of logistics, the supply chain and transport. The various ITJ publications fit perfectly into this plan.”
Andreas Müller, the publishing director of the Logismedia Group, underlined the fact that “the group of titles around the ITJ fits very well into our existing portfolio, which consists of Loginfo24, PHARMALOGISTICS Magazin, transport.ch Magazin (Swisstrans Magazin from November) and BdKEP Magazin. The International Transport Journal, which celebrated its 85th anniversary this year, will be the flagship publication of our new group.”
Tradition and modernity
Andreas Müller added that “the International Transport Journal has distributed industry information from all over the world for the entire world for more than 85 years. Over the years it has always adapted to the times, both in terms of content and appearance. The ITJ is the only magazine in the logistics and transport industry that covers all of the modes of transport worldwide in several languages. The ITJ is published as a print edition and an e-paper, and is supplemented by a daily newsletter linked to the website. We at Logismedia will live up to its reputation, whilst simultaneously taking the market conditions into account.”
Smooth transition
To ensure a smooth transition, MedTriX will support Logismedia on technically and administratively for the next few months. Responsibility for all editorial and other content was transferred to Logismedia on 1 November 2024.
Andreas Haug, who has already worked for the ITJ for more than 20 years, will remain editor-in-chief of the International Transport Journal and its associated titles. This will ensure editorial continuity. The ITJ’s proven sales team and other administrative staff has also moved to the new publisher. The Logismedia Group has thus had six employees since 1 December 2024.
Please direct any queries to
Andreas Müller
Logismedia Group
Telephone +41 79 255 58 00
Oliver Kramer
MedTriX Group
Telephone +41 79 669 17 37