ITJ 11-12/2023
Dear readers,
Even three years after the global spread of Covid-19 set in some of our contemporaries still don’t seem to have got tired of wearing a mask. According to Germany’s statistics bureau, carnival and entertainment articles worth EUR 114.9 million were imported into Germany in 2022. This was 47% more than in the previous year, 13% more than in 2019 and almost twice as much as in 2009 (EUR 60.6 million).
Incidentally, three quarters of the imported carnival articles came from China, which is apparently still the ‘workbench of the world’ for the production of these types of goods. And that Germany is a major export nation is shown by traffic in the opposite direction. Carnival articles worth EUR 50.3 million were exported from Germany in 2022, 17% more than in the previous year and 1.7% more than in 2019.
Carnival parades and meetings are returning here, but many other people don’t feel particularly like celebrating. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has impaired global logistics chains for the past year and continues to demand agility and ingenuity from the industry.
The Maghreb, a region that is heavily dependent on grain supplies from Russia and from Ukraine, is the focus of this issue. You can read about what Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia themselves have to offer in terms of transport and logistics starting on page 16.
Enjoy your read!
Andreas Haug