Is green transport a question of money?
Strategy and marketing consultancy Simon-Kucher & Partners has incorporated a B2B survey of 100 companies in Europe that use logistics service providers into the current Green Logistics study. The study shows that 55% of the respondents think sustainability is very important - with a gradient of priorities from central Europe (64%) to southern Europe (55%) and western Europe (44%).
For most of the respondents, the focus is still more on the emissions that can be directly or indirectly attributed to their own actions. When it comes to selecting logistics service providers, only 31% of the companies (central Europe: 34%, southern Europe: 36%, western Europe: 25%) much importance to the issue.
One reason for this could be the lack of specific offers from the logistics industry. Compensation solutions for emissions instead of direct measures are still the order of the day.
The study shows that the respondents do not yet have a clear preference with regards to the choice of measures: 28% of the respondents rate the avoidance of emissions as the most important, but compensation measures (20%) or even just "greenwashing" through certificate trading (20%) are almost on a par in the evaluation. (sh)