
Artikel Nummer: 32527
Intermodal operators take over Neuss Trimodal
Neuss-Düsseldorfer Häfen has transferred its shares in Neuss Trimodal to the remaining shareholders. Hence, Kombiverkehr now holds 70% of the shares and Ambrogio 30%, which means that the two logistics services providers currently control all the shares of the terminal.
The 88,000 sqm terminal handles up to 250,000 load units per annum. The lion’s share of the freight volumes comes from the western ports Zeebrugge and Anwerp in Belgium and Rotterdam in the Netherlands.
Add to this the containers from overland traffic within Europe and to and from China, as well as from large offer of container transport services on the route between Frenkendorf/Basel (Switzerland) and Neuss. (ben)