Intermodal networks carry 23% more goods
Europe’s intermodal transport services were able to compensate the 2.7% downswing reported in 2017 by an equal increase of 2.7% in 2018. These figures are based on the most recent statistical report «Facts and Figures 2019» published by the deutsche Studiengesellschaft für den Kombinierten Verkehr (SGKV, German research association for intermodal transport).
The analysis states that intermodal cargo volumes rose by 23% from 2008 to 2018. In terms of transport performance, intermodal transport accounts for 7.5% of total freight traffic.
The study also contains a commentary on the actual outflow of funds as part of federal funding for building and upgrading intermodal terminals in Germany. SGVK members can now download the report from the internet, and it will be made available to the general public as from 1 April 2020. (ben)