IDS: volumes and turnover continue upward trend
In the financial year 2019, IDS Logistik continued its strong growth on a consistently high level. The German general cargo cooperation carried 14.7 million consignments in FY 2019, up 6.4% from FY 2018. Turnover grew by 10.4% to EUR 2.3 billion.
This positive business development was also reflected in the increased size of the workforce and the expansion of the vehicle fleet. In 2019, the number of employees rose by 6.5% to 7,300. The number of vehicles for local transport went up by 1.8%, while the fleet of swap bodies and semitrailers augmented by 4.7%.
"This strong growth requires a continuing expansion of our network and investments in infrastructure. For instance, in the previous year, we increased the number of IDS warehouses from 48 to 50 locations and thus added more routes to our network," says IDS-managing director Michael Bargl. (mw)