Hupac launches UK - Italy shuttle
The Swiss intermodal operator Hupac has launched a new service in cooperation with A2B-online at the port of Moerdijk (Netherlands). In the Netherlands, the new shuttle train runs between RTC Geleen and CCT Moerdijk on Mondays (from 20 April 2020), and allows for seamless short sea connections operated by A2B-online between Moerdijk and the UK.
Geleen's intermodal network comprises Busto Arsizio and Padua in Italy, as well as other gateway destinations in central-southern Italy. The train run three times a week in each direction. In the UK, the new service’s destinations are Immingham, Teesport, Thamesport and Blyth. The destinations in Italy are Busto Arsizio, Padua, Bari, Bologna, Pomezia. Departures from Geleen to Moerdijk are on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Trains leave Busto Arsizio and head for to Moerdijk on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. (ben)