HLA and Pharma Aero ink MoU
In humanitarian or medical crises, air cargo supply chains are essential to ensure a safe handling and transport of pharmaceuticals, especially for last mile deliveries.
Pharma Aero and the Humanitarian Logistics Association (HLA) have now signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) as a formal basis for their collaboration.
Pharma Aero, a non-profit organisation with headquarters in Brussels, aims to achieve reliable end-to-end air transportation for life science and medtech shippers. It will foster cooperation between CEIV certified airport communities dedicated to developing new solutions for the handling, storage and air transport of pharmaceuticals.
HLA is a also non-profit membership organisation, officially founded in 2009 in UK to empower logisticians to deliver humanitarian aid and development assistance more effectively.
The organisations will combine their forces in strategic projects to improve the quality of global air cargo services, with a focus on crisis-prone countries, as well as emergencies and humanitarian projects. (sh)