HL grants Schlotfeldt more time
The supervisory board of the Hamburg (Germany)-based carrier Hapag-Lloyd has extended the contract of Joachim Schlotfeldt, its chief personnel and global procurement officer (CPO), by two years, until 31 March 2023.
Michael Behrendt, chairman of the supervisory board, said: “With over 40 years of experience at and with Hapag-Lloyd both in Germany and abroad, an executive like Joachim Schlotfeldt is needed as an important guarantor of continuity on the management board.”
Schlotfeldt joined Hapag-Lloyd in 1979. Over the course of his career, he has held various positions in Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Spain, Portugal and, most recently, China. He subsequently served as managing director of region Asia, region Europe and then region Asia again. Since 1 April 2018, he has been a member of Hapag-Lloyd’s executive board. (mw)