Hill Dickinson boosts commodities team
Hill Dickinson has acquired two partners for its growing commodities team. Experienced energy sector lawyers Mark Aspinall and Paul Sinnott have joined Hill Dickinson from Eversheds and will operate from the firm’s London office (UK).
Aspinall is renowned for his expertise in the midstream (processing) / downstream (trading) oil sector and associated tanker markets (crude, products and chemicals). His practice is tightly focused on dispute resolution and transactional matters covering trade finance, physical sales and storage, contracts of carriage by sea, processing / throughput agreements, related joint ventures, SPAs and SHAs. He acts for trade finance banks, independents and producers as well as ship owners and P&I clubs.
Sinnott focuses on transactional and regulatory matters as well as all forms and stages of dispute resolution. He acts largely for energy and metals industry clients which trade, finance, hedge or transport commodities – including banks, dealers, traders, producers, shipowners and P&I clubs. (mw)