Hellmann relies on Dakosy's customs software
Hellmann Logistics has implemented Dakoy's new Zodiak GE customs software on schedule. Just a year after deciding to opt for Dakosy, the company was able to throw the switch so that all branches in Germany now use Zodiak GE.
Among the decisive factors in the choice of the software partner, as Hans-Peter Grage, customs specialist at Hellmann, points out, were its focus on future-oriented technological innovation and the prospect of a long-term and cooperative further development.
Besides the implementation of Zodiak GE, Dakosy's assignment comprised all Atlas customs procedures (Germany's automated tariffs and local customs handling system), including the customs warehouse, which was introduced at an agreed deadline in the middle of April.
Via an interface with Hellmann's own shipping system, customs data are digitally transmitted to Zodiak GE and therefore do not have to be entered by hand a second time. Zodiak GE also relays replies from the customs authorities to the Hellmann system in the same way. (mw)