Head of logistics for Swiss Post
Swiss Post's board of directors has appointed Johannes Cramer as head of the new logistics services business unit. He will thus also join the executive management in January 2021. Cramer is currently COO at the online retailer Digitec Galaxus, where he has gained a profound understanding of future-oriented markets with a good growth potential. He is also very familiar with the perspectives and requirements of Swiss Post's customers.
"This expertise played a vital role for the CEO and the board of directors in their search for a head of the new logistics services unit," says chairman of Swiss Post's board of directors Urs Schwaller.
Cramer is German, married and father of a two-year-old son. In the new logistics services unit Swiss Post will create additional offers and expand the "last mile". It wants to strengthen its position in e-commerce, develop industry solutions and extend its portfolio for goods logistics. (mw)