Harbour master Kari Riutta in memoriam
The Port of Turku received an unexpected piece of tragic news. Harbour master and port security officer Kari Riutta deceased unexpectedly on 2 April. Riutta was born in Tampere on 31 July 1961. He completed his matriculation examination in Turun Lyseo and then worked as a stevedore and port supervisor in the Port of Turku.
After completing his vocational seafaring training and practice at sea, Riutta studied to become first mate from 1984–1986. He graduated as sea captain in 1992. In various first mate positions Riutta sailed on both passenger and cargo ships. He worked as a sounding manager in hydrographic surveys and as first mate and captain on fairway vessels.
Riutta returned to the Port of Turku in 1995. After having worked as a harbour pilot he continued his career as harbour inspector, then as deputy harbour master, and from 2007 as harbour master. In the port, he was a well-liked, highly appreciated and widely known colleague both among the port’s staff and other operators. (mw)