
Artikel Nummer: 31372
Globaltruck expands its fleet by 101 trucks
In 2019, Globaltruck increased the trucking freight turnover in Russia by 5.8% compared to 2018 and posted 247 billion tkm. The average number of operated trucks in 2019 grew by 101 or 8.1% y-o-y, and reached 1,346 units versus the 1,245 units operated in 2018.
The total distance covered by trucks increased by 12% and reached 266.4 million km, according to the Russia-based FTL operator.
The number of semitrailers deployed for the “cargo pipeline” expedited delivery service increased from 17 at the end of 2018 to 120 at the end of the Q4 2019. Average monthly distance per truck amounted 24,700 km in 2019 with the loaded run ratio of 95.1%. (ben)