Geis breaks billion euro record
The Geis Group ended the last financial year with a new turnover record: in 2019, the international logistics services provider generated a net turnover of EUR 1,038 billion, surpassing the billion euro mark for the first time and exceeding 2018's result by 9.5%.
"Overall, 2019 was an excellent financial year," managing partners Hans-Georg Geis and Wolfgang Geis commented. The volume of transport and logistics orders also grew by 5.3%. Geis Group's 6437 employees processed at total of 9.87 million orders in 2019.
Transported tonnage increased by 6.3% to 6.06 million t. After a good start into 2020, the company has seen its expectations for the current financial year dampened by the corona crisis and therefore cannot issue any forecasts for the development of its business for the time being, the management said. (mw)