Gebrüder Weiss wins this year's Hermes prize
International transport and logistics services provider Gebrüder Weiss has been awarded this year’s Hermes transport logistics prize. Conferring the distinction in the category "supply chain" in Vienna on 21 October 2021, the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber singled out the achievements of the customer portal myGW.
"The Hermes award pays tribute to how intensively we have driven our digital services over the past few years. We are continuously adapting the myGW functions to the needs of our customers in order increase transparency and efficiency," commented Wolfram Senger-Weiss, CEO at Gebrüder Weiss.
On the photo from left to right: Wilfried Sihn, CEO of Fraunhofer Austria, Wolfgang Brunner, head of project & portal management GW, Wolfram Senger-Weiss, CEO of Gebrüder Weiss. (cj)