Gebrüder Weiss remains on course
At a recent event organised by the Aircargo Club Deutschland (ACD), Lothar Thoma, managing director air & sea at Gebrüder Weiss (GW), confirmed that the Austria-headquartered company will continue its expansion strategy.
Being currently represented at over 150 locations, GW recently opened new locations in South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. Besides the recent takeover of Ipsen Logistics, "the addition of the new locations in Germany to our global network opens up new development opportunities,” Thoma said.
Digitalisation is another field of intense activity. About 1,000 of GW’s employees were quickly equipped with devices enabling them to work from home and with “myGW”, the company created a new online customer portal for customers, amongst others to receive real-time information on their goods flows- (sh) www.gw-world.com www.aircargoclub.de