Gebrüder Weiss opens office in Uzbekistan
The Austrian transport and logistics company Gebrüder Weiss is strengthening its position along the new Silk Road. The company recently opened a representative office in the Uzbek capital of Tashkent.
“With this move we expand our local presence in Central Asia. For our customers we pave the way to a promising market, since connections between Europe and Asia are becoming increasingly important,” says Thomas Moser, director and regional manager Black Sea/CIS at Gebrüder Weiss.
With a population of 30 million, Uzbekistan represents one of the largest markets in Central Asia. Effective immediately, local staff will serve customers in Tashkent and the surrounding area. “Our service portfolio includes overland transports, but also airfreight and sea freight,” Moser explains. And the company plans to gradually expand these services. Within the company structure, the Uzbek representative office reports to the Gebrüder Weiss subsidiarity in Almaty, Kazakhstan. (mw)