Gebrüder Weiss offers truck parking spaces
At the end of a driving shift, truck drivers often have to look for a space to park their trucks. Even at the international transport hub in Nuremberg (Germany) secure truck parking is in short supply. In order to improve the situation, the logistics company Gebrüder Weiss has designated a new parking area in its location in Nuremberg.
The branch has been working with Bosch Secure Truck Parking, a Europe-wide online booking platform operated by Bosch, since July 2019. Any available truck parking spaces at motorway service stations and on business sites are listed on the website in real time. For a charge, they can be reserved or leased for specific periods by drivers or dispatchers via the internet or an app.
To begin with, Gebrüder Weis will provide about ten truck parking spaces in Nuremberg via the Bosch booking platform. The site is secured and under video surveillance. “We are aware of the stressful daily lives of truck drivers and the growing frequency of cargo theft. With our parking spaces, we are offering freight companies and truck drivers an added value in the Nuremberg region,” says Alexander Eberharter, branch manager of Gebrüder Weiss Nuremberg. (mw)